About Us

Molly Dolly Giantbulb is a 26-year-old trainee doctor who enjoys yoga, camping and planking. She is inspiring and friendly, but can also be very standoffish and a bit sneaky.

She is a Belgian Sikh. She has a degree in medicine.

Physically, Molly is slightly overweight but otherwise in good shape. She is short with pale skin, grey hair and brown eyes.

She grew up in an upper class neighbourhood. After her father died when she was young, she was raised by her mother

She is currently married to Michele Kian Peterson. Michele is 8 years older than her and works as a lab assistant.

Molly’s best friend is a trainee doctor called William O’Connor. They get on well most of the time. She also hangs around with Haley Morgan and Kerry Torres. They enjoy listening to music together.